Food For Thought, Inpsiration, Journal

A Blurry Life

It’s hard to believe its Monday again and I am back at work doing both my jobs, one as a lawyer and one as a co-owner of Ziba Beauty. It makes for blurry time as I stretch myself in my legal practice, and step my efforts to learn all aspects of my actual running business. Then there is the aching need to connect with loved ones, to spend time in a meaningful way than check off a to do list, be healthy, get stronger, write more, be in service to others, be present, and the list goes on and on, and days, months turn into a blurry whirlpool of wondering what’s it all for, and it hits me clearly because not moving means, you are falling.

So I wake up, and I get up and as much as there are times I just want to go back into the warmth of the bed, something inside me won’t let me. Don’t get me wrong, there are some days I give in, but more often than not, I wake up to handle what I want to create for my life vision. And so I keep going, because I don’t want to live a normal life. I want to live a life worth being proud of when I am on my death-bed.

Happy Monday

Food For Thought, Inpsiration, Journal

Soul Gaps

It hit me that when I let go of some aspects of my routine in life, after a while there are consequences. For example, when I do not meditate consistently or do my community service or not engaged in a meaningful way with my loved ones, a certain ache develops inside me. A small hole that gets bigger, and from being annoyed to childish irritation, suddenly it turns into aching soulful hurt. And then I get to take a step back and re-asses what’s going on inside me.

I have to tell you, with the amount of things I have chosen to involve myself, it’s become easier to lose the routine which is not a good thing because when my emotional foundation is not strong, everything else falls apart. Lately, I have felt immense grief about my aunt, dad and a feeling of being overwhelmed at both my job. It was easy to feel sorry for myself, but I know it serves no purpose except to make myself into a victim.

So new moment. I am what I consume and when I take in negativity, self-doubt and pity that’s who I reflect out as my reality which creates gaps in my life. So today, now, at this time, new moment.

Happy Friday!

Food For Thought, Inpsiration, Journal

Soulful Suffering

Last week, I began saying affirmations as often as I remember. The main one being “I am a peaceful soul.”  Yes more often than not I was at war with my emotions. From irritation and anger, to grief and self-pity, it felt as if the affirmation awoke parts of me that I had been unaware of. Then it hit me how much I judgement I sat all day long, and as  I did the affirmation it highlighted how much of a problem my negative thinking created in my life.

It didn’t help that it was a rough week as I missed my aunt and dad, and it was hard to continue saying I am a peaceful soul when I felt anything but peaceful. Yet I also knew that my rationalizing my constant judgement about others and my emotions were not helping, in fact, were making my days a lot harder than they needed to be.

There were some wins, moments I was proud of myself, ways I could be in contribution to others, and it hit me that kind of work took time. Transformation and negative self talk did not just go away.  I also was fighting a river of negativity and judgement with a few dribbles of positive affirmations, but still it starts with one drop. So I keep working on myself, with the end in mind.

Happy Monday!

Business Law, employment law, Legal

4 Common Legal Mistakes by Small Businesses:Legal Reasons #72

1) Failing to “put it in writing” early

Before founders do any significant work together, it is essential to put into place a written agreement which outlines the roles and obligations of each respective party. Founder Agreements provide clarity regarding critical aspects of the work relationship, including but not limited to ownership percentages, salaries, removal grounds and procedures, governance and management, voting protocol and profit-sharing.

2) Failing to carry out buy-sell provisions

The decision by one founder to leave the company can lead to internal turmoil, customer erosion and disruption in revenue flow. These issues also could arise in the event a founder passes away or experiences long-term disability.

Simply put, failing to plan for the end is planning to fail. A properly drafted buy-sell agreement executed by the founders of the business at the outset (in conjunction with a founder agreement) can effectively account for how the company will proceed in the event of unanticipated change.

3) Using inadequate employment agreements

It is critical to invest in properly drafted agreements that can serve as the foundation for the employment relationship. Common terms included in an employment agreement include, among other things, the length of employment or whether the employment is at-will; the classification of the worker (i.e., employee/independent contractor, exempt/non-exempt); and rights and restrictions upon termination.

Employers should be mindful to not expose the company to liability by disregarding any prior-employment related obligations of job candidates, including any restrictive covenants and/or obligations to return sensitive documents that belong to the prior-employer.

4) Misclassifying workers

Many employers hire independent contractors rather than employees and/or misclassify employees as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act in an effort to avoid the payroll obligations that come with the traditional employment relationship, such as the duty to pay minimum wage and overtime. Serious liability can result from these misclassifications, including substantial wage repayment going back as far as three years and other harsh penalties.

Food For Thought, Inpsiration, Journal

Stretching Myself

It’s been a hectic few weeks, and it hit me that the pace is picking up. I feel stretched in all areas of my life, and what once felt overwhelming now is a reminder how far I have to go.  There are days I don’t want to wake up at 5:30 to do through my morning routines, days when I ask myself no one will care if I don’t do all that I set out to do yet, but there is that niggling voice in my head anyway.

Each day, there is a sense of urgency, and I also keep meeting new people who inspire me to be the best version of myself.  I don’t always succeed, in fact more often than not, I fail. Yet with each fall, I see another way to get back up. It’s not easy, and if  I am honest, there are way more days when I just want to quit.

But I get back up. I learn. I grow. I meet others, and I get inspired.  I am convinced that without growth, my ideas and energy will go stale. So I keep listening to the Rocky 4 soundtrack, and I keep at it. Happy Sunday!