#30trust, Ziba

Dare to be Bold About Ziba: A Blog Post

tabiat ziba
Image via Wikipedia

Today, let’s take a step away from rational thought and dare to be bold. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to accomplish but have been afraid to pursue? Write it down. Also write the obstacles in your way of reaching your goal. Finally, write down a tangible plan to overcome each obstacle.

The only thing left is to, you know, actually go make it happen. What are you waiting for?

(Author: Matt Cheuvront)

The one thing I have always to accomplished to write a full length book, and the main obstacle really has been my fear and laziness in actually get my crap together, committing to a schedule and actually writing.  It’s a bit more complicated than that.  I am still unsure if I have a story in my life.  I know I want to write but about what, not sure exactly.  Well. that’s not true exactly.  I definitely want to write a memoir about Ziba and then perhaps about myself but I hesitate because I find the subject to be too large.  That’s not true either. I am just not committed to a schedule.  I feel that being General Counsel, I should focus more on that aspect for the day-to-day when my real talent and passion are in writing.  So I need to work on an outline, put down all the ideas, put them together in a coherent way and then get to writing.  The more I think about it, the memoir on Ziba would be fascinating as we went from a business that started on $2000 to over several million dollars as well expanding to become the industry leaders in the Eyebrow threading category.  Where I get stuck is more emotional in that what was my role in it, did I really do much more than ride its coattails, and only now can I confidently say that no I gave it my all.  My main obstacle is my lack of commitment to a schedule to just research, interview, and then write.  Until I treat it as a time sensitive project, it will not get done.

The other obstacle could be the topic itself, because as much as I want to write about Ziba, I am hesitant to since it’s family and perhaps a bit too personal  More than anything else, I want to be published and it is this uncertainty on what to write that I flounder yet as I write these words I know the story that has the greatest chance is the one about Ziba and it would also allow to write full time as this would be a “work” assignment so starting I commit to start this project September 1st (get the wedding and honeymoon done in style July, August, as well perhaps start on an outline) and commit to a complete rough draft by the end of 2011 (that would also solve one of my major goals before I turn 40).