Food For Thought, Inpsiration, Journal

Living in Committment

This month I committed to reading 5 books, putting on 5 pounds of muscle. be in service consistently, be in integrity in my role at Ziba and continue growing my law practice. Some have pointed out that I have too much on my plate, and others keep asking how long I can keep it up.  Yet what is the point of living of vision if you are not striving to be your best in all categories of your life? I will not be defined by just by my work, hobbies or passions. Just as we are multilayered in emotions, I believe setting high goals is the way to live a life of legacy.

Sure, are some days harder than others? You betcha!  Especially with immense help of my new networking group BNI, I am getting multiple referrals, and others are sending me their loved ones. As my responsibility grows, instead of overwhelming me, it empowers me as I know I could be doing even more. I have learnt and communication and renegotiating commitments are valuable tools when I am present and aware that I may not be able to get to something. Being in integrity may not always mean that I will finish everything as planned because reality is life happens and there are unexpected hiccups.

Yet what I have found is that by either being vulnerable and seeking support, or just communicating and renegotiating a new time, 99% of my stress is dealt with. So I will continue on this journey until I cannot because I want to live a life of purpose not just existence.

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